Wednesday, January 9, 2008

tv game shows - american gladiators

In the 1980’s I worked for a small TV station. I have a creative brain, so of course I had a lot of ideas for programming.
In 1985, I had come up with an idea to produce a TV game show that required physical abilities, and not just mental. It would involve physical challenges, such as an obstacle course. Instead of just some know-it-all geeks standing behind a podium answering questions about things nobody cares about. I had written a script outline, and presented it to the program manager. He laughed, and said, “Do you have any idea how much it would cost to produce a program of this scale?” I didn’t bother anymore with the idea, because I figured he was right. Nobody was going to invest that much money into a show that might not even work out.
In 1987, MGM released a show called “American Gladiators.” I watched it, and liked it. It was a very unique concept for a TV program. It was somewhat familiar. This show was based on the same idea I had two years before! Since then, “American Gladiators” has been produced in ten different countries and in four different languages. I can’t help thinking, where I would be now if I had just sent that script to a “real” production company. I am annoyed more at myself for not taking my idea to a large production company instead of relying on a crappy two-bit local station. I would be rich now, if my name was listed as “Executive Producer”.
Yesterday, NBC in conjunction with MGM, brought back “American Gladiators”. I watched, and still enjoy it. I began to think, since this is “my” show, “stolen” by someone else, what can I do to get it back? I have decided to add yet another goal my quest: My quest to prove that “Older guys can still kick butt”. Yes, my odd exhibition matches at the gym are fine, but how can I do this on a much larger scale? Become a contestant! Yes, I am going to train even harder, and try out for “American Gladiators.” I am going to turn it into a cooking show. I am going to show everyone how to make Gladiator Pate’.

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