Monday, January 21, 2008

tv game shows - maybe I should go on the price is right

Maybe I Should Go On “The Price Is Right”

January 21, 2008

We are trying to buy a minivan. I hate how difficult it is to buy a car. We test drove one on Friday and liked it. The price was just out of our range so we had to sleep on it over the weekend. We researched the vehicle, looked at other options (which were none, actually) and decided we’d let them call us.They called us this morning. We did the “I don’t know because I’m a helpless woman, let me ask my husband” song and dance first. Because I don’t know how to do it any other way. (We do this the opposite way for furniture, though. He’s the dope, I’m the stickler. We think it works. We’ve not tried buying big stuff without that routine, so maybe doing it another way would work, too.) Anyway, I called him back and named my price, thinking he would say, “Uh, no way.” and instead he jumped on it like a rabid dog. CRAP. I should have said “My Price minus A WHOLE BUNCH.” He’s “running numbers” right now and will get back to me. I have one thing to say about that: HURRY UP. Piece of advice: Don’t do this stuff when banks are closed for a holiday.

Agony. All the questions: Is this the right vehicle? Should we keep searching? Should we try to drag this out until February? Will someone give me a Toyota Sienna or a Honda Odyssey for free? Yes? What if this thing falls apart? What if I back into things and people and pets with this cruise liner? How about a chauffeur? Who the hell decided to spell “showfer” “chauffeur”?

I would like the third child in every family to come with a minivan. I wouldn’t want to give birth to the minivan, but I would like it to be waiting outside. Like a lovely parting gift from the hospital. And also, the home version of Family Feud.

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